Script Library: 1240 scripts
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RebCall system
6.5 KB
15 Dec 2005
Call DLL functions efficiently with REBOL/View without the need for REBOL/View/Pro or REBOL/Command. This script only works on Windows with a patched REBOL interpreter. Details available at Actually only the types that fits in 32 bits are supported for the parameters. Thus decimal! values are not. It could also work [...]
author: Pascal Hurni
8.0 KB
27 Apr 2006
RebelXML provides a set of functions which allows to easily create/modify/delete XML data
author: Christophe 'REBOLtof' Coussement
REBftp simple ftp client
7.9 KB
13 Mar 2003
A simple program to upload and download files to/from an ftp server.
author: David Crawford
5.9 KB
23 Jun 2011
HTTP console in REBOL like HTTY console in Ruby
author: RedChronicle
Rebol users
4.0 KB
23 May 2011
icon for rebolusers.rShow rebol users faces!!!
author: Massimiliano Vessi
Remove Unwanted Emails CGI
remove-emails-cgi.r1.0 KB
10 Aug 2010
Remove any emails from your POP account which contain specified snippets of text.
author: nick
Request List Enhanced
16.4 KB
18 Aug 2014
An enhancement to the regular request-list that allows selecting items from a request list by typing in the first few characters of the item. Works with text, word and number lists. Designed to make optimum use of the keyboard. - New refinement request-list-enhanced/return-index will return the index of the item not the value. - Keys used; cursor up, down, page-up, [...]
author: mike yaunish
REST-Friendly HTTP Protocol
5.2 KB
10 Nov 2008
An elementary HTTP protocol allowing more versatility when developing Web Services clients: REST, SOAP or other.
author: Christopher Ross-Gill
5.2 KB
13 Mar 2003
Provides easy to use interface into RIM (Rebol Instant Messenger) communications.
author: Ryan S. Cole
3.5 KB
13 Mar 2003
Emulates, with a few lines of Rebol code, the CommServer flash XML socket server from Moock and Clayton.(see for the flash client.) The server sends a simple xml doc like <NUMCLIENTS>numclients</NUMCLIENTS> as soon as someone enters or leaves the server. By updating and comparing the old and updated value of numclients, The Flash client knows if someone has entered [...]
author: SuperTomato
22.7 KB
13 Mar 2003
A high-performance, handler based, server framework and a rebol request broker...
author: Maarten Koopmans
Rugby client and server
17.6 KB
13 Mar 2003
A high-performance, handler based, server framework and a rebol request broker...
author: Maarten Koopmans
runner.r4.5 KB
18 Oct 2013
Run rebol scripts or open websites at certain time intervals. For example, I use it with an email-checking script and a few others I just felt like compressing it to save some space - I use floppy disks a lot. do this in the console to get the source: write %RunnerDecomp.txt decompress pick (load %Runner.r) 3
author: Izkata
Asynchronous Request Broker
9.5 KB
13 Mar 2003
An asynchronous, high-performance, handler based, server framework and a rebol request broker...
author: Maarten Koopmans
Cellphone reminder
5.4 KB
13 Mar 2003
Reads a file 'data.txt' containing appointment data, and sends my cell phone a text message 5 minutes before the appointment.
author: Graham Chiu
Dialect Object Model
56.8 KB
7 Nov 2023
Use an exstensible, Rebol user-mode, Markup function to parse DSL's that will return an easy to follow tagged key value Dialect Object Model. It will allow different DSL's or programming languages to work with, or together through a Central Processing interpreter. Yes Rebol/Core. A demo example of a HTML DSL is parsed by [...]
author: daniel murrill
Raging Bull page downloader
raging-bull.r2.4 KB
13 Mar 2003
This script reads sequential pages from the Raging-Bull on-line bulletin board.
author: Jim Goodnow II
Tooltip style example
5.6 KB
3 Apr 2016
A quick way to add a simple tooltip to VID GUIs
author: Marco Antoniazzi
Sammy's manager
samman.r12.8 KB
2 Jan 2012
To generate Sammy.js files using a dialect
author: [unknown]
SDL library interface
131.3 KB
23 Sep 2012
Code to bind SDL shared library to Rebol.
author: Marco Antoniazzi